Container Images (release 230606)
Minimum required NVIDIA driver version: >=450.80.02
Deepgram On-premises Release Tags
This release marks the first official Deepgram On-premises release to include support for a release tag. Instead of specifying a specific version tag for the individual container images, all of the images now support the release-230606 image tag.
This Release Contains The Following Changes
New, easy-to-use deployments with embedded default configurations in the container images. Simply add the container environment variable DEEPGRAM_API_KEY to the docker-compose.yml stanzas for the api and engine container images. For more information, refer to the on-prem deployment documentation for your specific deployment OS.
Deepgram’s new Speaker Diarization architecture with 53.1% improved accuracy overall from the previous version, a 10X faster turnaround time, and language-agnostic support, unlocking accurate speaker labeling for transcription use-cases around the globe.
Currently only pre-recorded audio is supported.
We are ending support for our legacy Diarization model. Please reach out to Deepgram Customer Success to ensure you are have the latest supported Diarization model.
Deepgram’s revamped automatic language detection feature which enables users to automatically detect the dominant language in an audio file and transcribe the output in the detected language, providing unparalleled accuracy in detecting and transcribing audio data in over 15+ languages and dialects, including English, Spanish, Hindi, Dutch, French, and German.
Currently only pre-recorded audio is supported.
Addresses an issue where onprem-license-proxy was inappropriately coloring logs when directed to output to a file.
Addresses CVE-2020-26235 in onprem-license-proxy.
Other stability improvements & bug fixes.🐛