Lightning-Fast Text to Speech for Voice AI Agents

Text to Speech for conversational AI

Bring your apps to life with responsive, natural-sounding voice AI.

  • Quality: Human-like tone, rhythm, and emotion

  • Speed: less than 250 ms latency

  • Scale: Cost-efficient and optimized for high-throughput applications

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Turn any text into audio

Experience human-like voice AI that runs faster and more efficiently than any other solution on the market. Try for yourself!

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Featured Voices
AsteriaFemale English (US)
LunaFemale English (US)
ArcasMale English (US)
ZeusMale English (US)
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Build an engaging full stack voice agent

Build a responsive voicebot effortlessly with Deepgram Voice AI platform, utilizing Deepgram Nova-2 speech-to-text, customized LLM, and Deepgram Aura text-to-speech. Experience optimized end-to-end performance and low system latency with our open-source code.

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Speech synthesis at scale with one powerful API call

Fast and accurate transcription, generation, and conversational intelligence all from the world's best voice AI platform.

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