Article·AI & Engineering·Aug 7, 2024
3 min read

10 AI Apps to Make Your Meetings More Productive

3 min read
By Kavishka Karunanayake
PublishedAug 7, 2024
UpdatedAug 10, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we conduct meetings, making them more efficient, productive, and insightful. From real-time transcription to personalized communication coaching, AI apps are transforming the professional landscape. Whether you're looking to enhance your speaking skills or streamline meeting notes, there's an AI tool to meet your needs. Below, we explore some of the best AI apps for meetings that can help elevate your professional interactions.

(Note: Every single one of these apps and more is featured on Deepgram's AI Apps page! Just like any other app store, the AI Apps Page features various categories of AI-fueled apps. Check out this link if you're interested in exploring just how deep the AI apps rabbit-hole goes...)

How AI Apps for Meetings Typically Work

AI apps for meetings leverage advanced technologies like natural language processing, machine learning, and data analytics to automate and enhance various aspects of a meeting. These apps can transcribe conversations in real-time, generate summaries, analyze speech patterns, and even offer personalized feedback and coaching. Integration with popular platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Slack, and Microsoft Teams allows for seamless operation without disrupting your workflow.

Who Can Benefit from AI Apps for Meetings

AI-powered meeting apps are beneficial for a wide range of professionals, including and especially those of the following roles:

  • Product Managers (PMs): To streamline project meetings and ensure clear communication.

  • Executives: To enhance leadership communication and decision-making processes.

  • Sales Teams: To capture customer insights and follow up effectively.

  • Customer Support Teams: To keep track of customer interactions and improve service quality.

  • Remote Teams: To ensure no critical discussion points are missed during virtual meetings.

Best AI Apps for Meetings


Poised is a unique AI-powered communication coach that offers real-time feedback, trend analysis, and personalized coaching to improve speaking skills during meetings and presentations. The app listens to your speech and provides instant suggestions on clarity, confidence, and engagement. It integrates seamlessly with platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, Slack, and Microsoft Teams, making it ideal for professionals aiming to refine their communication skills.

For additional information on Poised, check out their official website at this link.


Kaiwa is an AI meeting assistant that enhances productivity throughout the entire meeting lifecycle. Before meetings, it helps set goals and craft agendas. During meetings, it offers real-time insights and manages time efficiently. Post-meeting, it generates comprehensive reports and creates actionable deliverables. It's perfect for business executives, product managers, customer support teams, and project managers.


Sessions is designed to transform virtual meetings and webinars with ultra HD video, AI tools, and real-time collaboration features. Key features include AI Copilot for webinar management, interactive agendas, live collaboration tools, and robust security measures. Sessions is ideal for professionals in sales, marketing, customer success, HR, and training.

Key features of Sessions include:

  • Ultra HD Video and Audio: Guaranteeing clear and crisp communication.

  • Interactive Agendas: Keep your meetings structured and productive.

  • AI Copilot: Assists in creating and managing webinars efficiently.

  • Real-Time Collaboration: Work alongside participants with live documents, whiteboards, and more.

  • Event Management: From planning to execution, make your webinars engaging.

  • Bookings and Scheduling: Easily sync calendars and share booking links.

  • Memory and Analytics: Store all resources and recordings in the cloud and access detailed analytics.

  • Privacy and Security: Sessions is committed to keeping your data safe and secure.


Bluedot is a Chrome extension that enhances Google Meet experiences by automating recording, transcribing, and summarizing meetings. It operates without intrusive bots or calendar access and complies with GDPR, ensuring data security. Bluedot generates customizable AI meeting notes and allows easy sharing to platforms like Slack and Notion.

Read AI

Read AI enhances communication skills and improves Zoom meetings with features like instant meeting summaries, full transcriptions, speaker metrics, and AI-generated highlights. It integrates with calendars to auto-join meetings, take notes, and deliver detailed recaps. The speaker coaching feature offers insights on talking speed and interruptions.

Superpowered Me

Superpowered Me enhances productivity by automatically taking notes during online meetings. It integrates with Google, Office 365, and Apple calendars and generates concise notes from meeting transcripts. Available for both Mac and Windows, it offers customizable templates and ensures data security with encrypted data transfer.


Laxis provides real-time transcription, note-taking, and meeting summaries. It integrates with popular video conferencing platforms and captures key insights like talking points and action items. Tailored for sales, marketing, and customer success teams, Laxis ensures meaningful conversations and actionable insights.


Circleback automates note-taking and follow-ups by transcribing conversations and generating concise summaries. It highlights key discussion points and action items, which are then emailed to all participants. With features like accurate meeting transcripts and searchable notes, Circleback is ideal for sales teams, project managers, and remote teams.

Spoke App

Spoke App enhances productivity by providing insightful meeting reports instantly. It integrates with Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams and features AI-generated summaries and intelligent search capabilities. Spoke supports over 100 languages and ensures data security with GDPR compliance.


Fathom automates note-taking and summarizing during Zoom calls. It records, transcribes, highlights, and summarizes meetings, allowing users to mark important moments. Compatible with various platforms, Fathom is useful for professionals in sales, customer success, market research, and recruitment.


AI apps for meetings are transforming the way professionals conduct and manage meetings, offering features that save time, enhance productivity, and improve communication skills. These tools are invaluable for a wide range of professionals, ensuring no critical discussion points or action items are missed.

Note that this article covers merely one category of many from our AI Apps catalog (linked below). If you're curious about different types of AI-fueled apps—from LLMs that can aid your business, to content generation apps, to simple conversational machine learning models—the catalog will undoubtedly deliver content you'd be interested in.

Also, if there are any apps you know and love that you believe we missed in this article, message us on Twitter or LinkedIn with your suggestions! We're always on the lookout for more apps to share with the world of tech-enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Check out the full catalog of AI Apps at Deepgram AI Apps to find the perfect tool for your needs. And for the latest in AI content, apps, demos, and research, check out our AI Minds Newsletter, which comes out with a new edition every Tuesday morning!

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